the leading letting & selling specialist covering most of the Birmingham
We specialise in residential and commercial properties.
The high standard of our properties ensure that demand is always great.
We have been established since 1993 in a very busy part of the city, we are
well known for our letting and selling experience we operate a credit check
file for all our tenants which gives us an accurate decision on all tenants we
accommodate, our main aim is to find the right tenant for the right property.
We also operate a rent guarantee scheme for all landlords, (subject to
terms and conditions). All properties comply with safety precautions like gas certificates
and electrical reports.
We are calling all landlords to experience property management with ourselves,
NO LET, NO FEE, We take full management for the property whilst let out with
All tenants are welcome as well as Dss (Housing Benefits) we cover most of the
Birmingham area.
We also specialise in selling properties and have an agency where you can
get insurance for your home example building, contents, personnel protection
for landlords or tenants. They cover landlords letting insurance for a very
competitive price. We can also give you a report of accommodation for all